Ukraine’s Forgotten Children
This was broadcast at the same time as Euro 2012 was being held in Ukraine and Poland, so the focus of many was brought to this part of the world, which helped draw attention to the plight of the abandoned children growing up in the social welfare system in Ukraine.
The film created a really impressive viewer response, with 1,658 emails coming in to Kate’s email address – most with offers of help. People wanting to fundraise, adopt, donate goodies, offer their professional services such as physiotherapists, nutrition specialists, doctors, teachers of autism and other learning difficulties. There were those who wanted to put pressure on the Ukraine government to prioritise the social welfare system and make sure these children are given a decent life.
The offers were amazing and heartfelt, many of these have now been put into place! The institute that was featured in the film has been overwhelmed with offers of help and money has been donated to make a second Small Group Home a reality now. There has already been one adoption of a lad in the institute, with several other ones going through the legal process.
The ‘’incapacitated’’ young men also created a very emotional response, with some viewers wanting to sponsor and support these young people out in society, away from the confines of their old people’s homes.
If anyone is interested in knowing what they can do to help, please email Kate on
Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children
The charity set up after this film was aired, is called TBACT (The Bulgarian Abandoned Children’s Trust) and this has been doing a lot of work raising money and awareness highlighting the dire conditions in some of the institutes in Bulgaria. If anybody is interested in helping, please go to the website -
Mum Loves Drugs, Not Me
Sadly one of the contributors Heidi has died. She was a lovely lady, daughter to Jan and mother of Lacey and Tia.